About Us

Here for You! was founded in 2018 upon the following philosophy:

Time is the most valuable asset any one person has the privilege of owning.

There are only so many minutes in a day, what you do with those minutes creates the world you inhabit.

However, time is something that has been counted and measured for us all.

From dedicated time to be present with loved ones to expanding ideas into new business ventures, the possibilities for every minute is only limited by the seconds in each minute …

…and the resources available.

Being a busy parent, finishing a master’s degree, and working a full-time job, having a sort-of side-kick that helped me just get through the day would be the most valuable resource.

So…I made a new resource.

Here for You! is a resource dedicated to making every minute count for all, all the way around!

Clients benefit from dedicated, multi-disciplinary, professional, and dynamic assisting in achieving their goals as Team Members benefit from being accoutered for success with guided training, further education opportunities, and dedicated mentorship in developing their role as an individual chief executive officer of their own company.

Trust that there are enough minutes in the day to make success a two-way street!

Professional success is a common goal among us and Here for You! is built to help provide a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Here for You! Kindly asks that as each dedicated Lifestyle Exec assists a Client on their journey up the ladder, that each Client donate professional time and/or resources as an opportunity to further every Lifestyle Exec’s success.

Experience and knowledge are powerful resources, exchanging information is how we level the field.

Whether you join Here for You! as a Team Member or as a Client, you are guaranteed to find a scaffold to success.Together, we will build a more efficaciously conscious and advantageous workplace for future generations to come.